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61% Says They Provide Food for Their Staff

Do you or don't you: Big Picture’s Brain Squad members share the occasions on which they feed their workforce.




YES: 61%

  • I usually buy lunch once or twice a month. — Christine Walsh, Alpha Graphics, Baltimore, Maryland
  • We have a full cafeteria where food is available for purchase from kiosks. We also do frequent (multiple times a month) employee engagement events that often involve food. The community of coworkers here also often buys/makes/brings in food for their pod of immediate coworkers – just in a neighborly, friendly way. — Wade Neff, Strategic Factory, Owings Mills, Maryland
  • Not on a daily basis, but we do have frequent pizza parties, birthday cake, or Thanksgiving/holiday lunches. — Diana Herrera, AP Imaging, Miami

  • We provide a few meals per month, typically during busy times or to finish off a strong week. — Rob Matthews, M3, Greensboro, North Carolina
  • We do birthday celebrations and will bring in food for tough projects that require a lot of overtime, but it is not a regular perk. — Dan Plomin, Westamerica Communications, Irvine, California
  • We do monthly birthday treats, periodic lunches, grill outs, food trucks, ice cream trucks, and other fun ways to thank our staff. — Brian Adam, Olympus Group, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • On Thursdays I buy lunch and on special occasions. We try not to talk work and get to know each other. This was discontinued during COVID, unfortunately. — Rick Mandel, Mandel Graphic Solutions, Glendale, Wisconsin

NO: 39%

  • Most have such varied diets, makes it difficult to bring food in. — David Kaiser, Digitype Design, Tualatin, Oregon

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