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Shop Pets? Almost 50% of Our Brain Squad Says ‘Yes!’

One owner lauds his bullmastiff for providing “constant love and drool”.





46% Yes

  • My dogs sometimes come to the shop and run around. We took in a stray cat during some bad weather who is now our shop cat. — Tracey Hiner, Black Crow Studios
  • Yuppers! Puppers! Couldn’t live without our 2 ancient dogs, Golden Girl “Rue McClanahan” (Bishon-adjacent) and Pippa (English Springer Spaniel). They take turns hanging out. — Barbara Chandler Allen, Fresh Artists
  • We have a 140-lb Bullmastiff, Cooper, who helps keep the team in good spirits providing constant love and drool. We are in the process of making him our company mascot. — Trey Matula, Picture This Wraps and Graphics
  • We recently had to say our final goodbye to our older office dog and beloved companion, Norman. He was a 10 year old South African Mastiff. — Derek Atchley, Atchley Graphics
  • A sign on the front counter by the bell reads, “Please Ring Bell to Summon The Kraken Or Coco, Whoever Answers First.” Coco has been our shop puppy since we opened in 2010. She has her own fan club. — Pat Dacy, 3V Signs & Graphics
  • Kind of. We had many mice when we first arrived here. We hired an alley cat and haven’t seen one in 6 years. No more cat, but we have a pet rat on our counter. Customers frequently squeeze it. — Tommy Melendez, Master Graphics NYC

54% No

  • Occasionally, we allow pet visits. — Wade Neff, Strategic Factory
  • While I do very much adore animal friends, there is not a pet in my current office situation. When I started at DCG ONE there was a little dog that was a nice break to say “hello” to. My first sign shop job there was a dog as well but that ended up causing some hairs in laminate, so we needed to pivot to a dog-free zone in that area. — Morgen Masciana, DCG ONE

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