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Case Studies

Not Taken with a Grain of Salt

Superwide graphics at the Salt Palace from Ferrari Color.




As a way to announce that a show or convention is taking place at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, and to welcome guests, the building’s “Salt Shaker” – its cylinder-shaped entrance – is wrapped with eye-catching window graphics.

For the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market Tradeshow last year, Ferrari Color ( was called upon to provide this imagery. The Outdoor Retailer show happens twice a year, and Ferrari is no stranger to printing graphics for the event, or to the convention center, since the shop is located only 10 miles away.

Using Ferrari’s Durst Rho 351 printer on Flexcon Busmark adhesive vinyl, the shop printed graphics provided by the Outdoor Retailer design team and advertiser 32 Degrees for the oversized salt shaker.

Ferrari Color worked with a window installation team for the graphics installment, but because the shop is called to work on these projects for the Salt Palace six to eight times a year, installation isn’t an issue. “Our prepress team knows the windows well, so set up and installation is easy,” says Heidi Hall, marketing director, Ferrari Color.

Other graphics completed by the shop include two window graphics, one of a Skechers advertisement and the other announcing registration, and smaller vinyl banners leading to the front entranceway. Even the doors leading into the building were wrapped with perforated graphics.

Check out more superwide projects from our April issue:


Work Hard, Play Hard
The Next Big Thing
Fifty Thousand Graphics Bring Art Everywhere



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