Recently, at , an attendee approached me to congratulate me on my recent promotion to editor-in-chief. Although we had never met in person, Jim White, president of Go Graphix, and I go “way back.” One of my first assignments at Big Picture was to cover a completed by his shop. I stood in emotional shock as I witnessed my time with this brand come full circle, and reveled in the many industry changes that have arisen since I joined the magazine four years ago.
That same day, I was brought back to 2016’s reality and the industry’s current state. At a press conference, one manufacturer led a user panel where three digital print shop representatives shared their day-to-day workflow challenges, opportunities, and successes. Although it may have appeared to those around us that Associate Editor Kiersten Wones and I were texting friends at home or Snapchatting each other to pass the time, we were fiercely taking notes on our phones and tweeting quotes, stats, and images from the meeting. This panel, however, posed a challenge. The three shops were nowhere to be found in the Twitterverse.
I couldn’t help myself and I raised my hand: I had to know why these successful and engaging industry leaders lacked a social media presence. (This was followed by a number of good-natured jokes at the millennial generation’s expense.) Lack of understanding, lack of time, and lack of interest pretty much summed up their responses. But I have seen firsthand what social media brings to a business: free advertising, new (and younger) clients, and a simple way to engage the industry.
That week, Creative Printing’s David Leavey joined LinkedIn, and Laurel Graphics’ Kevin Ortiz created a Twitter account. I’d like to think our conversation sparked this, but nonetheless, there was change.
Big Picture has always been on the forefront of change and we want to continue that fluid relationship where we can learn from our readers. Whether it’s helping you create a more social presence to garner new clients or discussing future applications and technologies like packaging, , and , we aim to be ahead of the curve.
I’m honored, and excited, to be your new editor-in-chief. I’m here to push our brand forward in today’s growing economy and marketplace, and to continue to work with this community of print service providers who constantly embrace new technologies, products, applications, and trends. Let’s see where these changes take us.
from Adrienne Palmer or . Plus, explore the rest of our October 2016 “” issue.