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Creo's iQsmart1 Scanner at an Affordable Price

12 x 18-in. flatbed features FireWire connectivity




Creo's iQsmart1 scanner offers creative
professionals an affordable entry point
for high-res scanning. The 12 x 18-in. flatbed
scanner has a trilinear 10,200 element
with XY scanning technology and an
inverted CCD. It can scan positive and negative
transparencies, reflective, framed
slides, line art, and printed materials.

The iQsmart1 scans up to ninety-six
35mm slides in one job and up to 50
scans/hr. It offers a maximum resolution
of 7500 dpi in 16-bit RGB. In addition, it
offers scaling up to 2500%, outputs several
types of file formats (including JPEG,
EPSF, DCS 2, and CCITT), and features
FireWire connectivity.

The iQsmart1 comes standard with
Creo's oXYgen RGB scanning application
for Mac or an LE Windows version. Features
include full ICC color management, a
SmartSet function, automatic image
analysis, and image-editing and proofing
tools. The RGB Mac version also includes a
Group Scan Mode as well as Rotation, Rescan,
Direct Scan, and other modes. CMYK
is optional in each.

Other options include an oil-mounting
station for cracked or scratched originals
(also good for those images enlarged by
800% or more), CMYK editing and scanning
functionality, and parallel workflow
for optimizing an image while scanning
another (Mac only). Price: $8500. (Creo:



Printvinyl Scored Print Media

New Printvinyl Scored wide-format print media features an easy-to-remove scored liner for creating decals, product stickers, packaging labels, and more. The precision-scored liner, with a 1.25” spacing on a 60” roll, guarantees a seamless and hassle-free removal process.

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