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FESPA Announces Industrial "Lunch and Learn" Programme




FESPA announces its programme of 'lunch and learn' sessions for its industrial print showcase at FESPA 2015, taking place at Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany from 18-22 May 2015.

The daily lunch and learn sessions, running Monday – Thursday from 13:00 – 14:00, will be hosted by industry partners who will highlight opportunities in industrial print, as well as share best practice and knowledge, providing visitors the chance to network with leaders in the industrial print field.

Lunch and learn sessions programme:
Monday 18 May – Lunch and Learn with ESMA ESMA CEO, Peter Buttiens and supporting ESMA members will explore the latest trends and applications in industrial printing.

Tuesday 19 May – Lunch and Learn: Industrial Inkjet Printing with Agfa In the hosted lunch, Marc Graindourze, Business Development Manager of Industrial Inkjet Inks, Agfa Graphics will discuss the possibilities of industrial inkjet printing.

Wednesday 20 May – Lunch and Learn: Thermoforming Applications with EFI EFI's Director of Business Development, Mike Plier, will discuss opportunities available with industrial print, drawing on examples.

Thursday 21 May – Green Roundtable
Visitors are invited to join HP, CMA Imaging and cosmetic brand Clarins for a roundtable to explore what manufacturers are doing to be green. The roundtable will be chaired by Michael Sturges, Consultant at Innventia Edge.


The sessions which will take place in the Education Hub (Hall 8, Stand B90), are free-of-charge and include a complimentary lunch. Visitors interested in attending the sessions should email [email protected] in advance of the show to confirm their place.

FESPA Divisional Director, Roz McGuinness comments: “The 'lunch and learn' sessions will provide visitors with the opportunity to learn from manufacturers already working in industrial print and inspire them to take their business in this direction. These sessions are part of a wider industrial programme at FESPA 2015 including the industrial print showcase highlighting examples of industrial print, as well as industrial seminars in our Education Hub. This focused programme of activity will help visitors explore the opportunities that industrial printing presents.”

For more information on the industrial showcase, FESPA 2015 and to pre-register to attend visit:



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