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Drupa Global Trends Report Tracks Economic and Market Developments

Print companies around the world share insight on the market’s future.




Drupa has released its Global Trends Report, the first of a series of reports that will track economic and market developments in the global print industry over the period leading to drupa 2016. The 35-page report features data from print companies around the world.

Some of the report’s findings are below:

Printer investment priorities: When asked what areas their company plans capital investment over the next 12 months, print technology (54.8 percent), finishing (49.6 percent), and prepress/workflow/MIS (41.4 percent) were the top three responses.

Digital print is growing: Sixty-five percent of all printer respondents globally have digital print production and 5 percent are digital-only printers. Eight-five percent of all commercial printers worldwide have digital, and 31 percent of those state that 25 percent or more of their turnover is digital print.

Capturing customers: Sixty percent of respondents thought that finding new customers was the biggest challenge for their company.

The study was conducted in the last quarter of 2013, when drupa asked printing and print-related companies worldwide about their current activities and insight on the future. A total of 2425 senior decision makers in print and print-related industries (specifically 1419 printers, 498 suppliers, and 508 print purchasers) responded. The majority (58 percent) involved came from print services providers, followed by suppliers (21 percent), and print purchasers (21 percent).




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