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Case Studies

Specialty Media: Ready to Branch Out?

Contributors give advice for first-time specialty media producers.



Print shops everywhere are looking to expand their specialty application offerings, so we rounded up of unique floor graphics, fine art prints, magnetic media applications, and specialty windows. Then, we asked all of our contributors the same question: What would you say to someone who has never produced this specialty application before?

Floor Graphics

• “Follow the directions. The warranties and indemnification require correct production and application steps to be followed.” –Steve Zick,

• “Introduce the clients to a few examples of how floor graphics can be used. The final recipients are not usually aware that such solutions are possible.” –Robert Szymczak,


• “Research the production information so you know what you’re selling. … Research what type of customer would benefit from this product.” –Lawrence Truan,

• “Do some research on media; ensure it’s non-slip rated for floor use. There’s no point skimping on the media to save a few dollars and causing a fall. It will just cost you in the long run.” –Kimberly Degenhardt,

Magnetic Media

• “Try it! It’s a fantastic medium, it offers so many possibilities, and it can be really affordable.” –Helena Ichbiah,


Fine Art

• “You absolutely, positively must have good color management.” –Tony Bonanno, Tony Bonanno Photography

Explore the rest of Big Picture's October issue.




Printvinyl Scored Print Media

New Printvinyl Scored wide-format print media features an easy-to-remove scored liner for creating decals, product stickers, packaging labels, and more. The precision-scored liner, with a 1.25” spacing on a 60” roll, guarantees a seamless and hassle-free removal process.

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