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ICS Introduces Remote Director Flash Proof Plug-in

Runs within Remote Director v. 3.0




Remote Director Flash Proof, from ICS, is a software plug-in for the newest version of the company's Remote Director monitor color proofing solution. Flash Proof enables users to manipulate a proof so they are able to view the interaction between substrate, coatings, and lighting on-screen in a virtual lighting booth.

The plug-in simulates light reflecting off the substrate and allows users to tilt images back and forth on screen in much the same way you would physically tilt a hard-copy proof to view gloss or sheen. With Flash Proof, viewers can accurately see how light reflects off specialty varnishes, inks, and metallic surfaces.

Flash Proof runs as a plug-in within Remote Director v. 3.0 (RDV3), which provides accurate color rendering on both Mac and Windows-based computers. Currently available in French, Spanish, German, and Chinese, RDV3 supports a variety of file formats, including TIFF, PDF, EPS, and JPG, as well as all active Photoshop images.

ICS also recently added a RIP partnership program that enables RIP suppliers to add Remote Director to the list of proofing devices support. Five suppliers have currently joined: Apago, CGS (with ORIS Color Tuner), DuPont (with Celebrant Plus), and GMG (with ColorProof). (Integrated Color Solutions:



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