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Editor's Note

Rest Is Not a Reward

Downtime is a necessity, not something we win because of how productive we are.




THIS NOTION IS tough for me. I tend to find reasons why I deserve a break from work. “We’ll be wrapping up an issue of the magazine, so I think I can schedule some time off.” “I edited an article, so I can take a walk.” “I can log off a little early today because I worked this weekend.”

Late last year, when I found out I needed unexpected surgery (everything is fine), I made sure to schedule it far from any deadlines. Even when I was told by multiple people (my doctor included) that my health needs to come before my job, I was still putting work first. I knew I could set myself and the team up for success before I was gone, and then rest. I put up my OOO for two workdays and thought “What a perfect time for this to happen. I’ve worked hard all year, and now I can take a break.” Well, it turns out you feel pretty crappy post-surgery. Opening my laptop was the last thing on my mind.

I quickly realized my recovery period didn’t equate to how hard I’ve worked. It didn’t care if I was on deadline. My body needed to heal, and I needed to rest. When I did come back to work a full week later, I was surprisingly refreshed and ready to take on the next big item on my to-do list.

Now, would I have much rather been on the beach reading a book with a glass of wine? Yes. But that time will come. When it does, it won’t be because it’s my prize for hard work. It will be because I should and because I want to. And then, when Monday rolls around, I’ll be able to tackle whatever project comes my way with an extra boost of energy. Don’t forget to put yourself first more often.

In my last Editor’s Note, I asked you to share what’s making you happy. You answered in our December Brain Squad survey. Head to to see what’s putting a smile on your print peers’ faces.

Smart Tips From This Issue

  1. The surface industry is converting to digital print. Find out why applications are the correct approach to selling in this space. (Special Feature, page 34)
  2. Learn 17 ways your business can live on less, even thrive on less. (Special Feature, page 38)
  3. Building wraps are a key way to get your clients noticed, so make sure you add their contact info on the graphic. (Benchmarks, page 45)
  4. If you’re thinking about selling, make sure you consider the true value of your company first. (Big Business, page 50)



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