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Business + Management: Marty Mcghie

New HR Guidebook for Print Providers

Concepts and practical tactics for maximizing your human-capital investment.




PrintLink, the staff-placement agency for the graphic arts, has published a human-resources guide for the print marketplace. Titled the HR Bible for the Printing Industry: A How-To Guide for Profitable Hiring, the book “is intended to be the human-resources equivalent of the well-known Pocket Pal, the standard, regularly updated guidebook on printing and pre-press technologies.”

The 183-page PDF resource comprises more than 40 columns written by PrintLink president Arnie Kahn for Topics covered include:
• How to navigate today’s hiring minefield;
• Strategies to bolster staff motivation and productivity during downsizing;
• Top staff investments in soft economic times;
• How to define and document your company’s optimum skill requirements;
• The mechanics of sourcing job candidates, assessing qualifications, and effectively negotiating job offers;
• Getting the best results from staff-performance appraisals;
• Alternative approaches and essential people-handling strategies for successioning the business; and more.

“The HR Bible…addresses many of the real-life business and economic concerns that our clients in the printing industry raise with us every day,” says Kahn. “It outlines some of our practical solutions that have enabled HR professionals and hiring managers to secure and retain top-performing staff, optimize their performance, and ensure their continuing relevance to the changing needs of your business and your customers. In short, it explains the concepts and practical tactics that will enable you to maximize your human-capital investment—an essential component of business success in any economic climate.”

The HR Bible is available from Price: $175.






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