Tuebingen (21 August 2013) – GMG, the leading developer and supplier of high-end color management software solutions, will be busy displaying a PRINT 13 Must See Em (GMG ProductionSuite v2), a 2013 InterTech Technology Award and 2013 FTA Technical Innovation Award recipient (GMG OpenColor) as well as the North American premier of a number of updated products at PRINT 13 (Booth 4837, September 8-12, McCormick Place, Chicago).
GMG ProductionSuite v2
One of the highlights at the GMG booth is a PRINT 13 Must See Em: ProductionSuite v2, an update of the most complete production solution for wide-format printing. GMG ProductionSuite offers the entire range of functions required for wide-format production. GMG ProductionSuite is modular, comprising of a variety of software modules covering prepress-preflight, PDF file editing, job preparation-color management, RIPping, printing and cutting. It currently supports over 1,000 large and wide format printers and cutters. With additional functions, such as industrial cutting, true shape nesting, and variable data printing, GMG ProductionSuite fulfills some of the more unique requirements of wide format production.
New features include a very easy-to-use version of SmartProfiler to accurately profile any combination of printer, media, inks, etc.; more powerful Layout tools, including easy ways to perform true-shape nesting and combining print jobs; and a new interior decoration option for the digitized creation and printing of textiles and wallpapers.
GMG SmartProfiler is a wizard for calibrating and profiling all supported print devices without requiring expert color management knowledge. With the automated SmartProfiler color management, printers get guaranteed quality and repeatability—even with spot colors. While an expert can deliver acceptable color results with many color management solutions, using GMG ProductionSuite v2, anyone can produce identical and exceptional color results, right out of the box.
GMG is also releasing GMG ProductionSuite-Focus Edition, an entry-level price version of GMG ProductionSuite intended for print shops that wish to bundle a complete workflow—instead of solely a RIP—at the time of purchase of a new digital printer.
GMG OpenColor: Precisely predict the color appearance of printed inks
Another highlight at the GMG booth is GMG OpenColor, the recipient of a 2013 InterTech™ Technology Award and a 2013 Flexographic Technical Association Technical Innovation Award. GMG OpenColor is a proofing technology that precisely predicts the color appearance of printed inks, particularly ‘overprints’—inks printed on top of each other. This allows the previously unattainable ability to assure a proof will accurately simulate a printed result.
A continuing trend in package printing is the increasing complexity of jobs and the use of multi-color printing. Many jobs require different combinations of inks, substrates, screening, and other variables. One of the most difficult challenges facing a converter is accurately and reliably communicating color to the supply chain, from the brand manager to the printer. To understand colors by mixing them, every combination would require a specific test chart with the different combinations. It is costly to go to press with color fingerprint charts, making plates, and spending time testing rather than earning money on a job. GMG OpenColor resolves this complex packaging problem and provides better results, with less information. With OpenColor, users do not have to print combinations of overprints. They can print the single color patches—e.g. color control strips—and combine the color and substrate properties in the software.
There are a few new GMG OpenColor features being launched at PRINT 13. The most important is the ability to import a number of measurements, but allow OpenColor to average the data. This is helpful, for example, when someone wishes to import data from sheets during different times of a press run, averaging differences that could occur over time. Users can also adjust dot gain of measurements in order to compensate faulty print conditions. The inefficient alternative would be to re-plate and rerun new sheets. A huge advantage for prepress companies in flexo is also the ability to define a target dot gain for a spot color or for a complete characterization data set to normalize the proof condition. Finally, operators can easily correct the substrate white point and add dot gain correction to the profile without recalculating the profile itself. This is helpful, for example, to match visually substrate simulation if a ‘by the numbers’ match is not good is enough.
North American premiere of GMG software
Meanwhile, a number of GMG products that have undergone significant upgrades over the past few months will be demonstrated for the first time at PRINT 13. They include:
• GMG CoZone: a modular production environment based in the cloud, is an indispensable control center for every online production workflow. CoZone integrates the cloud and project collaboration with high-quality color management toolsets. The new CoZone Collaborate module allows project participants to manage, review, proof and approve graphic arts content and by the end of 2013—multimedia content. While CoZone Collaborate features a powerful soft-proofing engine, future CoZone modules will allow seamless connection to GMG-calibrated hard-copy output devices, delivering an end-to-end color-accurate workflow.
• GMG ColorProof 5.5: A major update of the popular proofing software, users will not only find much quicker startup and job creating times, but some really helpful user interface improvements – particularly within the new Manual Job Manager. Customers working with packaging will benefit from the enhanced handling of white ink and transparent areas when proofing on foil, along with enhanced integration with GMG OpenColor. GMG DotProof users will find a much sharper dot. While GMG ColorProof often works unattended, there are times when attention is needed – for example, to load paper, calibrate a printer, or fix a job error. GMG ColorProof now alerts the administrator when attention is needed.
• ColorServer 4.8: An updated version of the popular color management software, GMG ColorServer 4.8 provides superior, easy-to-use color management, delivering consistent and repeatable color results to all output processes—print as well as online digital displays. The new Paper Adaptation Tool helps print houses overcome the problems of a mismatch between the paper tint of the proof according to ISOcoatedV2, GRACoL, or any other standard, and the white point of the actual paper they will print.
• ColorMaster 2.0: Displayed for the first time in North America, ColorMaster 2.0 helps provide a color-accurate late-binding RGB-workflow, meaning that images are not converted from their RGB space until as late as possible. GMG ColorMaster 2.0 supplies predefined settings and optimized profiles for most popular target color spaces. It also offers a color space that covers all common printing gamuts. It is ideal for those who create data from a wide variety of media and printing processes, or who oversee global print production in different countries with diverse print standards.
“Our product development team has done a terrific job in the past year, redefining color management for any print segment—commercial, packaging, wide format, digital, and even online. And, we are elated that third-party judges agree,” remarks Joe Varone, GMG Americas VP, Sales. “We can’t imagine any attendee to PRINT 13 who would not benefit from a visit to GMG’s booth. We hope to be able to advise many about how to achieve accurate, repeatable color, no matter the workflow, or output. We look forward to a busy PRINT 13.”
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About GMG: GMG is a leading developer and supplier of high-end color management software solutions, founded in 1984 and located in Tuebingen, Germany. With more than 25 years of experience in the graphic arts industry, the GMG brand is synonymous with a guarantee for high-quality solutions for everything to do with color. GMG's goal is to provide complete solutions for standardizing and simplifying the color management workflow in order to achieve consistent colors on all media types and with any printing technology. Today, more than 11,000 systems are in use among customers around the globe. These span a wide range of industries and application areas including advertising agencies; prepress houses; offset, flexo, packaging, digital, wide format and gravure printers. GMG is represented by branches and authorized dealers the world over.
About the GMG solutions: Based on the 4-D color-transformation engine, the proofing solution GMG ColorProof provides the most accurate way of calibrating digital inkjet proofing devices to produce contract color proofs precisely matched to the printing process. GMG DotProof® enables users to generate contract quality halftone proofs, using the original bitmap data of the output RIP. GMG FlexoProof is specifically tailored to the needs of the packaging industry, simulating any kind of substrate structures and creating contract quality halftone proofs. GMG OpenColor offers precise and predictable spot color reproduction and creates high-quality multicolor profiles based on its unique spectral color management technology. GMG ProofControl guarantees reliable and complete quality control of digital color proofs based on a defined standard. GMG ProofMedia is a range of proofing-specific substrates manufactured to strict tolerances specifically for color critical applications. www.proofr.com is an internet platform enabling online proofing services in GMG quality through a worldwide network of remote proofing locations. GMG ColorServer, with automatic hotfolder technology and based on the Adobe® PDF Library, provides fully automatic color conversions for all printing processes – CMYK-to-CMYK, RGB-to-CMYK and RGB-to-RGB. GMG InkOptimizer automatically reduces chromatic colors, thus providing cost savings by reducing unnecessary ink usage, along with better print stability on press. GMG FlowConnect enables the complete integration of the color management solutions GMG ColorServer and GMG InkOptimizer into current workflow systems. The GMG SmartProfiler wizard allows the profiling and calibration of different output devices, such as digital presses or large format systems, easily and quickly. United in this one application, the GMG ProductionSuite offers the entire range of functions required today in a modern wide-format production environment: efficient job preparation, data preflight, color management, identical repetition, lower cost through reduced ink consumption, etc. GMG CoZone is a modular, cloud-based solution for professional media and color management users to interact with clients and suppliers to approve, manage and deliver design work and multimedia files.
© 2013 GMG GmbH & Co. KG. The GMG product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or service marks of GMG GmbH & Co. KG and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Other company, brand, product and service names are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Data is subject to change without notice.
For more information see www.gmgcolor.com, www.facebook.com/gmgcolor.en, http://twitter.com/gmgcolor