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Editor's Note

You Asked, We Answered

Big Picture examines an economic challenge affecting PSPs across the industry.




THE BEST PART of my job is when I can carry out a request from our audience. I had a conversation with Gary Schellerer, VP/partner, ER2 Image Group, and Big Picture Editorial Advisory Board and Brain Squad member, about content we should cover in the magazine. He said, “An article about supply chain shortages that are affecting us would really be relevant this year. Material shortages are probably the most difficult challenge we have. Everybody is out of everything and manufacturers cannot keep up. Our ability to pivot into alternative products has been so important. That is an article I would certainly read.”

Elaine Scrima, another Board and Brain Squad member, echoed Gary’s thoughts. In a recent Brain Squad survey she wrote, “Supply chain and transit delays are also things we never had to typically plan for or incorporate into timelines, and that has been challenging, as well.”

Clearly this is an unprecedented topic that is continually affecting businesses. So, I reached out to Eileen Fritsch, a founding editor of this very magazine, who jumped at the idea and provided us with a compelling, timely piece on supply chain issues in the wide-format space, which you can read on page 30.

As you can see, members of the Big Picture Editorial Advisory Board and Brain Squad are an invaluable part of the brand’s strategic planning. The way we help you succeed is by covering exactly what you want to know.

Check out our Board of 12 incredible industry experts at and join the Brain Squad at You, too, can help steer the direction of the magazine.

Smart Tips From This Issue

  1. Don’t underestimate the power your printed wallcoverings have on someone’s mental health. Consider designs that bring solace and are biophilic. (Special Feature)
  2. Get ahead of supply chain issues by researching other materials you could use for the applications your shop produces most often. (Special Feature)
  3. Window shopping just got a whole new meaning. Sell your clients graphics for the exterior of their offices, stores, museums, restaurants, and more. (Benchmarks, page 34)
  4. Take time off. You need a break just as much as your employees. (Columns, page 39)



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