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Visit Memjet at Booth #3822 at Print 17



Over ten years ago, Memjet introduced an inkjet technology that transformed where and how printing gets done. At Print 17, Memjet’s commitment to developing high-speed, affordable, digital color printing technology will be on full display, as the company showcases new solutions and technologies that continue to improve the printing industry.

At PRINT 17 we will feature partners who are using Memjet’s inkjet technology in cutting-edge solutions. Visitors can see printing solutions created by Printware, IPT Digital, and New Solution. Each of these solutions is designed to solve a particular business challenge of a printer. So whether you want to add creativity to direct mail, leverage the value of an existing press, or harness the corrugated opportunity, one of these next generation printing solutions can meet the challenge.

Like all Memjet-powered presses, these solutions deliver the speed, ease of use, and low cost-of-ownership that enable printers to gain efficiency, pursue new opportunities, and expand their business today – and well into the future.

Visit Memjet at Booth 3822 at PRINT 17

Join Memjet in The Printerverse for a SPECIAL EVENT in booth 4425!

Sunday, September 10, 2017 2:30-3:30 PM CT


The fast pace of change in the printing industry today means printers must have the courage to innovate. It’s not always easy. But at this interactive session, Memjet will show you what can be accomplished when you have the resources you need to think in a new way.
Grab a cup of coffee and join Memjet executives at this interactive session in The Printerverse booth 4425!

We will highlight how inkjet-powered solutions enable printers to keep pace with the trends that are driving this new printing paradigm, including automation, the demand for customization, and the ever-shorter print runs. We’ll also share stories about printers who have combined their creativity with the power of inkjet to transform how printing gets done in their organizations.

Complimentary coffee, tea and afternoon snacks will be served.

Find Memjet on the following panels in The Printerverse booth 4425:

Sunday, September 10: 2:30-3:30 PM CT The Infinite Potential of Inkjet: Memjet Coffee Event
Tuesday, September 12: 10:30-11 AM CT Printerverse Mover and Shaker Interviews
Tuesday, September 12: 3-3:30 PM CT Opening the Box to Profits: Packaging and the Future of Print




Printvinyl Scored Print Media

New Printvinyl Scored wide-format print media features an easy-to-remove scored liner for creating decals, product stickers, packaging labels, and more. The precision-scored liner, with a 1.25” spacing on a 60” roll, guarantees a seamless and hassle-free removal process.

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