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This Business Owner Is Intentional in Achieving Work/Life Balance

“I have found that balance comes by being intentional with life. My wife is great at helping me achieve that balance.”




Eric Hogue
President; Operating Partner, ALD DecalS & Graphics

As a small business owner, can you ever accomplish a true work/life balance? Wearing many hats comes many responsibilities. So often those responsibilities do not fit within a structured 9-to-5 business day. All printers have found out that as the daily duties of running a successful shop seem to increase daily.

Unfortunately for Eric Hogue, his personality thrives on having structure. “If I do not have it, I allow work to consume my time,” he says. “I have found that balance comes by being intentional with life. My wife is great at helping me achieve that balance.”

Since structure is so important for him to achieve balance, he makes three things intentional:

  • Pray each morning for a balance between work and family.
  • Eat dinner together as a family.
  • Review the weekly calendar with his wife. This helps him understand what events are important to her and what she expects of him, he says.

So, can a small business owner achieve work/life balance? Yes, but it must be intentional!




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New Printvinyl Scored wide-format print media features an easy-to-remove scored liner for creating decals, product stickers, packaging labels, and more. The precision-scored liner, with a 1.25” spacing on a 60” roll, guarantees a seamless and hassle-free removal process.

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