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Proof-it-Online's FlashMark Viewer Version EZ

Simplifies online proof-viewing process




For those who want to speed up the proof
approval process, Proof-it-Online has introduced
a new proof-review and approval
application called FlashMark Viewer Version
EZ. It delivers simplified markup and
commenting tools as well as a way for
reviewers to collaborate on and approve
proofs online without software or technical
skills and training.

After a proof is uploaded, an e-mail is
automatically sent as an alert to the
reviewer that the proof is available online.
The reviewer accesses the proof by entering
a proof number and password into a
login page on the subscriber's website.
The proof is displayed in the FlashMark
Viewer within the reviewer's browser,
while the reviewer marks changes and
comments directly on the proof and
selects the approval status. A reviewer can
choose to return the review or route the
proof to an unlimited number of additional
viewers”?preventing multiple copies from
needing to be sent.

The Proof-it-Online subscriber is automatically
notified when a proof's status
has changed and can login to see the status
of proofs, along with markups, comments,
and all proof versions. To view a
sample proof, visit: wwww.proofiton (Proof-It-Online:



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