Informa Exhibitions today announced a partnership with Smithers Pira ahead its IPEX 2017 exhibition. Smithers Pira is the worldwide authority on the packaging, paper and print industry supply chains and offers world-leading expertise and market intelligence, and a range of testing services supported by comprehensive facilities in the UK and US. Smithers Pira will be providing industry insight for visitors attending IPEX 2017 and will be presenting a number of seminars during the show at the NEC (Birmingham, UK) in October and November 2017.
Rob Fisher, Event Director of IPEX, said; “We are delighted that Smithers Pira has agreed to share its insight into the technology and market trends that will shape the printing industries over the next few years. IPEX is a true industry event, and the knowledge provided by Smithers Pira analysts and consultants is highly valued by printing businesses and providers of print equipment alike.”
The latest market data from Smithers Pira shows steady growth for global print. In its flagship report – The Future of Global Printing to 2020 – Smithers Pira tracks how a world market valued at $824 billion (£557 billion / €724 billion) in 2015, will expand at 2% year-on-year through to the end of the decade.
This report forecasts a UK print market worth an estimated $29.5 billion in 2015. Across the rest of the decade, print volumes are set to reduce slightly at -1.7% year-on-year from 1.69 trillion A4 sheets equivalent in 2015, to 1.55 trillion A4 sheets equivalent in 2020; but with more ‘higher value’ jobs compensating for this decline.
Mr Fisher continued; “It’s quite possible that the recent referendum result will present some challenges for businesses based in the UK and those that want to trade here, and that is something the print industry needs to be aware of. However, businesses involved in the print industry are inherently robust and inventive, and I am sure that the UK will continue to be an attractive place to do business. IPEX 2017 is well placed to help connect buyers with suppliers though I’ve no doubt that the ‘brave new world’ the UK is entering will be a major discussion point at the show.”
Global figures may appear flat, but that impression belies profound changes underway in the print industry, especially the arrival of more advanced – principally digital – technology. Smithers’ data shows how the relative market shares for different print processes and end-use segments will change significantly from 2015-2020 in response to this.
Adam Page, Global Director, Reports and Consultancy at Smithers Pira, said; “Our market reports show that in the UK, applications like packaging and labels will take share from more established markets such as book, magazines, and commercial print. As this occurs it will create many opportunities for participants – ink and substrate suppliers, print service providers, and brand owners – across the UK and European print value chains.”
IPEX 2017 takes place from 31st October to 3rd November, 2017 at the NEC in Birmingham, and is the UK’s largest and only truly international print show.