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Preparing for 2013: Day 10 of our Industry Roundtable

"The wide-format market is healthy and growing… Stay sharp and vigilantly opportunistic."




BPIC: As our readers are set to wrap up 2012 and make plans for 2013 — and we now wrap up our 2012 Industry Roundtable Q&A — do you have any parting parting observations on the market or advice in general for print providers?

Peter Mayhew, LightWords Ltd:: The wide-format market is well positioned to enjoy some modest growth over the next few years – in spite of whatever the economy throws at it. Stay focused and enjoy.

Dan Marx, SGIA: Optimism for the year ahead is high, even in a sluggish economy. While this downturn has been long and difficult, more prosperous times will re-emerge. The wide-format industry has quite a bit to be thankful for – we have remained relatively strong, and our technologies (and the products produced) are in strong demand. Do all you can to stay informed about the industry, business in general, and the external factors that affect the internal workings of what we do.

Marco Boer, I.T. Strategies: Go forth, don’t be dragged down by the day-to-day business issues. Changes in business sometimes force you to make decisions you would not have voluntarily made otherwise. The digital printing industry is a growth business, and it’s easier to make a living in an area where there is growth versus an area that is in decline.

Tim Greene, InfoTrends: The wide-format signage and graphics market is healthy and growing. I’d suggest that companies look at what new capabilities and markets they can go after to complement their wide-format business – things like advertising specialties, textiles, and additional services such as fulfillment, sign-management/installations, design, etc. Stay sharp and vigilantly opportunistic – these are likely the characteristics that got you where you are and these same characteristics will keep you there.

This is Day 10 of our Industry Roundtable Q&A. For Day 9, click here.




Printvinyl Scored Print Media

New Printvinyl Scored wide-format print media features an easy-to-remove scored liner for creating decals, product stickers, packaging labels, and more. The precision-scored liner, with a 1.25” spacing on a 60” roll, guarantees a seamless and hassle-free removal process.

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