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Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends Identifies Success Factors for High-Growth Print Providers in Recently Completed Study




Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends is pleased to announce the completion of its Winning in an Evolving Print Services Market study. This study provides vendors with valuable insight into what printers and in-plants are trying to do strategically, the challenges they are facing, and the actions required to improve business. 

InfoTrends has found that although the overall printing industry is experiencing a gradual decline, some establishments continue to grow and thrive and many of those that experienced recent decline are doing many of the right things but need help in certain areas.  InfoTrends has identified multiple factors that enable strong growth.

ome of these factors include:
•    Addition of wide format printing, finishing and installation services
•    Sales and marketing focus on vertical industries as well as horizontal roles and applications, as well as usage of electronic media for self-promotion
•    Production automation,  that enables both efficiency as well as reduces labor costs and addresses traditional press and bindery labor shortages
•    More focus on IT/development staffing that both enable automation as well as new service expansion with web-to-print, MIS and variable data toolsets

One key data point that the research discovered was that high growth PSPs had a smaller proportion of staffing in production and a larger proportion in IT, sales, and marketing vs. declining PSPs.
“Companies with higher growth tend to be more focused on improving efficiencies as well as service expansion, hence a greater concentration of employees in IT, sales, and marketing roles and fewer in production,” explains Steve Adoniou Group Director of Consulting & Forecasting.  

This study includes an executive summary with key findings & recommendations for both vendors/suppliers to the industry as well as for the end-users themselves. Also included in the deliverables are research charts and data cross-tabulations in both PDF and Excel format. For more information on the results of this study, visit our online brochure or contact [email protected].




Printvinyl Scored Print Media

New Printvinyl Scored wide-format print media features an easy-to-remove scored liner for creating decals, product stickers, packaging labels, and more. The precision-scored liner, with a 1.25” spacing on a 60” roll, guarantees a seamless and hassle-free removal process.

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