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Dusen Dusen for Visual Magnetics: Modular Magnetic Wallcovering Premiering at WantedDesign Brooklyn




Fashion-forward textile designer Dusen Dusen has created a large-scale, gradient-on-gradient modular wall installation in collaboration with Visual Magnetics for WantedDesign 2015. Using magnetic ModuLayer wallcovering materials from Visual Magnetics’ Dynamic Spaces collection, bold shapes made in Dusen Dusen’s signature paper cut-outs method disappear and shift when they are moved around on the gradient background layer. WantedDesign Brooklyn is the premiere showing of this installation.

The pattern on this wall installation is interactive – viewers can play with it and change it as they observe the piece. We invite you to participate in the installation by playing with the magnetic pattern layers, moving them anywhere on the wall to alter the wallcovering design.

View the installation at WantedDesign Brooklyn from May 9-19 alongside Visual Magnetics' wall-to-wall magnetic dry erase brainstorming space for the Design Schools Workshop. Visual Magnetics will also be showing two Dynamic Spaces walls at WantedDesign Manhattan from May 15-18.



Printvinyl Scored Print Media

New Printvinyl Scored wide-format print media features an easy-to-remove scored liner for creating decals, product stickers, packaging labels, and more. The precision-scored liner, with a 1.25” spacing on a 60” roll, guarantees a seamless and hassle-free removal process.

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