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Deck the Walls

Holiday promotion requires quick turnaround, custom kits.




With Christmas fast approaching, Cincinnati Bell Wireless (CBW) turned to local graphic designer Joan Donnelly and longtime print provider Harlan Graphic Arts Services to deck the interior walls of its 18 retail outlets.

CBW requested various wall signage and point-of-purchase displays that tied into its “St. Nick” Christmas promotion. In order to have maximum impact on holiday sales, each store needed a unique signage kit, made up of five to 10 pieces, depending on the store size. For this reason, some of the graphic layouts would be printed for each store while others would be printed only once.

Donnelly designed all the graphics for the seasonal signage and displays, creating more than 150 different graphics files in all. (For all you celebrity spotters, yes, the “St. Nick” offering tips to shoppers is none other than musician and Cincinnati native Nick Lachey.)

She then handed the files off to Harlan, which used its 4-color Inca Columbia printer and Sericol UV inks to output the pieces -some as small as 3 x 6 inches and others as large as 72 x 120 inches-onto Alcan 1/4-inch white Gatorboard and Cyro 1/8-inch clear acrylic (for the ribbon graphic above the ornaments). CBW specified these types of media because of previous positive experiences, and Harlan had the brands stocked due to its own preference for their high performance with the Inca printer. The total output amounted to between 2500 and 3000 square feet of material, reports Harlan.

All of the Gatorboard pieces were cut on a Kongsberg i-XL 24 cutting table, and the acrylic pieces were cut on a Beam Dynamics laser cutter. Ninety-five percent of all the graphics had hook-and-loop Velcro applied for easy installation and removal. “Because of the light weight of the graphics, it was only necessary to send one installer to each store site, and installation was very simple,” says Harlan account executive LauraLee Kavanagh.


The turnaround time for the entire printing project and the kitting was one week.

Cincinnati Bell Wireless, Cincinnati, OH

The Players
Harlan Graphic Arts Services, Inc., Cincinnati, OH (; Donnelly Design, Cincinnati, OH

Tools & Supplies
Inca Columbia, Alcan Composites 1/4-inch white Gatorboard, Cyro 1/8-inch clear acrylic, Sericol UV inks, Kongsberg i-XL 24, Beam Dynamics laser cutter

Of Note
“As often happens, last-minute client changes and tight launch schedules were the biggest challenge,” says Kavanagh. “Also, multiple pieces and sizes had to be custom kitted for each location, so every store received different graphics based on size and footprint.”




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