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Case Studies

Digital Printer Scares up Halloween Floor Graphics

Innomark produces a spooky short run for Party City promotion.



Innomark Communications, based outside of Cincinnati, has been fabricating graphics and signage for the retail sector for 25 years. Offering digital, offset, and screen printing – as well as specialty packaging and display capabilities – it’s truly a one-stop shop. When Party City, via a third-party agency, commissioned Halloween-themed floor graphics for more than 1000 locations, Innomark turned to both analog and digital imaging, using their Durst 512R inkjet printer to produce a short run of graphics for the 75 stores that were carpeted.

The shop used 3.4-mil General Formulations Concept 212 Vinyl with a 5-mil scratch-resistant and textured GF 54-150 laminate. Steve Zick, senior VP and general manager, says lamination is the most important step when producing floor graphics, unlike ordinary vertical applications. “The ink film has to be thin enough that bubbles aren’t created by the surface height differences – without sacrificing image density,” he adds. Innomark used a Seal laminator and a Zünd G3 3XL-3200 iCut table for the finishing steps.

Zick says floor graphics have become a more viable option in recent years as “the adhesive quality and variety of legitimate material options have increased” – particularly in regard to two major concerns: the risk of falling and the possibility of damaging the floor. Today, more and more suppliers are able to offer warranties and installation instructions, and as a result, Zick expects PSPs to begin turning to digital materials for this application in greater numbers.

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